Pär Mickos' #Way2InterimManagement

Way to Interim Management — Pär Mickos
  • November 23, 2023

For Pär Mickos, being an interim manager means delivering on day one.

His #Way2InterimManagement is a story of adaptation, drive, and humble leadership. 

Read on and learn how Pär got to where he is today and how his hands-on interim management style goes beyond traditional consulting. 


Pär Mickos - interim manager


Engineering a meaningful career 

When Pär Mickos first set out in the workforce, he was eager to put his education to good use. He had an academic background in engineering and production management with a specialty in heat transfer. Pär quickly landed a job in the lead acid battery industry.    

For over 2 decades, the lead acid battery industry took Pär all over the globe. It started in the US, followed by Germany and Sweden, then back to his home country, Finland. During this time and during later assignments, Pär also developed expertise in serving the unique needs of automotive companies, including their quality standards and logistics requirements.  

With a robust portfolio from the past 40 years— ranging from production, quality control, marketing, sales, and sales development— Pär has become a jack of many trades and has led various organizations as CEO.

“I don't believe work life is a straight path. It is more like; you never know what's going to happen around the corner.” 

Pär prides himself on being able to jump into nearly any role in the industrial industry— even roles that might not exist yet. 


future of work


Turning toward interim management

In 2010, a pivotal moment occurred in Pär's career. His father's company faced challenges and he stepped up to help.

What began as a rescue mission gradually transformed into a consulting company— one with an untraditional approach.   

“I call it a consulting company because that is a concept that most can relate to, but I am not a conventional consultant. What I've been doing is not really advising companies but more jumping in and helping them out.”  

This eagerness to jump in was already a staple in Pär's career. By putting it at the heart of the company, he was able to double down on one of his greatest strengths. 

Although Pär believes the most accurate definition of what he does is interim management, he doesn’t shy away from using the term consultant. Instead of distancing himself from consulting, he uses the well-known concept as a jumping-off point for explaining the added value he brings as an interim manager.  


interim manager vs consulatant


The benefits beyond consulting

With his hands-on approach, Pär sees his role as an interim manager as a perfect fit.  

“I have friends that do an exceptional job as consultants, analyzing and making reports for the customer to implement. But that just isn’t my style. My expertise is better used when being a part of the transformation.”  

Although he finds consulting important work, Pär prefers to be thrown in with the team. He would rather ensure that the implementation and final results are reached than analyze and advise from the sidelines.  

In addition, Pär prides himself on being able to deliver from day one— something you don't typically see from a consultant.  

“When you hire a consultant, you might get the delivery in three weeks or six months, and that's their report with suggestions. In interim assignments, I promise that even from the first day, I deliver."    

Pär knows that important deliveries can be made on day one. Typically it is the roadmap for the work to be done and that will evolve as the assignment progresses.


Deliver on day one


How to achieve results in interim assignments

With an impressive reference sheet, Pär has found the ingredients to complete an assignment successfully. He breaks these down into three main points. 

1. Establish base clarity

When beginning an interim assignment, make sure there is a clear role and a target for the work. If these are not already established, then take responsibility to clarify them. 

"It is also up to oneself to ensure that there is base clarity. If there are no clear targets from the client, I help them develop some. It wakes up the client to consider, 'Okay, what do we expect from Pär with this? How can he benefit us? What is not only nice to have, but will really make us profitable or successful in another way?'”  

Remember to communicate the role and target in all areas of the company where your work will be involved. Base clarity should never be solely between the interim manager and the company leader.

2. Maintain regular check-ins

Even with base clarity established, communication with the client should not end. By creating a continuous dialogue— even just a 15-minute check-in every week— the interim manager can ensure they are on the right track and diminish the risk of surprise disappointment at the end of the assignment.   

“In the worst-case scenario, you hear that something is off track, and you have plenty of heads up to change direction. In the best-case scenario, you get only positive feedback and that gives you even more energy and confidence to move full steam ahead.”   


3. Work yourself out of the job

To increase the odds of success beyond an assignment's completion, approach your work as something bigger than yourself. 

 "I always work in a way that I can be replaced. I am only satisfied when all necessary expertise has been passed on so that someone else can easily pick up the thread. This ensures, that when I am done with an assignment, nothing is walking out with me.” 

This approach to interim assignments is not only humble but sustainable— increasing the odds for ongoing value add. 


future value add


Looking toward the future 

As Pär Mickos reflects on his journey, he acknowledges that it hasn't been a linear path. He believes that the world of work is unpredictable, and opportunities often arise where you least expect them.  

Pär’s career has demonstrated the power of transferable skills. As interim management grows in popularity, there is an increased need for target and team-oriented leaders. Pär is ready to take on new assignments in the industrial sector— continuing to make a positive impact on the companies and clients he serves. 


Pär Mickos — humble leader and interim manager


In need of an interim manager? 

Pär Mickos’ #Way2InterimManagement is an excellent example of the type of expertise an interim manager can have and the added value they can bring to companies. If you are ready to tap into the services of an interim manager, there are a few ways to move forward.  

Is Pär the expert you are looking for? 

At Best Best Talent Platform, we provide ourselves on cultivating a supportive community of freelancing members who are encouraged to make direct relationships with companies and hiring managers. Pär is a BBTP member and also an independent talent. To begin working with Pär, you are welcome to get in touch with him directly using the information below: 
Pär Mickos
Skaldo Oy


Do you have an assignment you would like to advertise to a wider audience of interim managers?  

Best Best Talent Platform hosts a community of over 1300 C-level experts, including Pär Mickos. If you would like to advertise an assignment on our platform, get in touch with our team. We are always happy to match the best companies to the best talent.  


Are you an interim manager with a story to share? 

Best Best Talent Platform’s #Way2InterimManagement campaign is an opportunity for BBTP members to share their experiences and highlight their talents.  

If you would like to be highlighted in the #Way2InterimManagement campaign, contact BBTP’s community manager, Leah Martin: leah.martin@bestbesttalentplatform.com 

Not yet a BBTP member? No problem! Register for free in 2 minutes or less.  


Last, but not least— if you liked this blog post feel free to leave a comment below. We are always happy to hear what our readers think about the content we produce. 

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